where to?

Travel the World as a Digital Nomad by Building a Business You Love

Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Your Goals with Our Expert Coaching

You're ready to be done daydreaming of freedom...

You find yourself trying to live vicariously through Instagram influencers...

You want to turn your passions into a profitable online business but don't know where to start...

You're feeling stuck in a career you don’t love and yearning for something more...

You're caught in a battle between embracing the nomadic lifestyle and clinging to your comfort zone...

But starting to make money online seems overwhelming, leaving you stuck.

The traditional career path can be suffocating, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and lacking control as your life ticks by.

We can help you break free from the conventional career path and gain the necessary skills and support to turn your passions into a purposeful and profitable online business. With our coaching program and resources, you can achieve personal and financial independence and create a location-independent lifestyle that allows you to travel the world.

Schedule a free Discovery Call with us today and get on the path to creating a profitable online business that allows you to travel the world and be your own boss.

This is where we come in!

Here's the plan....

Start creating the life you want

step three

Book a Call with us

step One

 get access to our 1:1 coaching program

step two

Our Guarantee 

you promise to

We promise to

Be ready to learn and try new things

Show up ready to take uncomfortable action

Work hard

Do everything in our power to help you succeed

Be your constant cheerleader

Hold you accountable to your goals

Together we can get you *A M A Z I N G* results!

meet your coaches

It wasn’t too long ago that we were exactly where you are. We felt trapped in the mundane life we were handed, desperately trying to claw our way out. We longed to travel the world but knew it was hopeless until we found a way to support ourselves.

Our goal is to help you do just that. Whether you are ready to start traveling the world more, looking to grow and scale your online business, OR you are just looking for another nomadic soul to connect with, you came to the right place!

Hi, friend! We're Austin and Monica! 

digital nomading in 10+ countries

A combined 17+ years of nomading

Top 5% Global Podcast Hosts

Life Purpose Life Coaching Certified

Us at a glance:

Client Love Notes

Stop letting your life pass you by and start creating the life you’ve been craving.

Schedule a free Discovery Call with us today and get on the path to creating a profitable online business that allows you to travel the world and be your own boss.

85+ Ways You Can Make Money While Traveling
Need help coming up idea on how to make money while traveling? 
We've got ya covered! 
This list will get you started on your journey! Every single item on this list can be turned into a thriving online business. Use it to spark some ideas and help you discover how to utilize the skills you already have.
Good stuff coming your way! (if you don't see the download show up in your inbox, make sure you check your spam folder too)